Useful links

Agence de l’efficacité énergétique

Committed to sustainable development, the Agence de l’efficacité énergétique ensures efficiency promotion of all sources of energy in every industry for the benefit of all the regions of Quebec.

On their website, you will find information about their residential programs for buying a new home.

Canadian Association of Movers

The CAM is a Canadian commercial association that represents moving and warehousing businesses.  Its mission consists in promoting the interests of independent moving and warehousing companies.

Quebec Association of Building Inspectors

The Quebec Association of Building Inspectors protects the public through the supervision of its members by applying strict requirements in the candidate application process.

Association provinciale des constructeurs d'habitations du Québec

The Association provinciale des constructeurs d'habitations du Québec (APCHQ) is a voluntary non-profit organization. It aims to promote the professionalism of its members and protect their interests.

Chambre des notaires du Québec

The Chambre des notaires du Québec protects the public by developing and maintaining the quality and credibility of the practice of notaries.

Gaz Métro

Gaz Métro handles the distribution and transportation of natural gas.


Hydro-Québec is a major electricity producer, transporter and distributor in North America.

You can confirm your move online on Hydro-Québec’s website.

Ordre des évaluateurs agréés du Québec

The Ordre des évaluateurs agréés du Québec protects the public’s interest by ensuring the quality of professional acts made by its members.

Ordre des arpenteurs-géomètres du Québec

The Ordre des arpenteurs-géomètres du Québec ensures the protection of the public through professional inspection, continuous training and discipline. It establishes practice standards and regulations that apply to its members in the course of their professional activities.

Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec

The Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec supervises the practice of the profession through its constituent acts and puts the profession at the service of the public interest.

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) is Canada’s national housing agency. It works with community organizations, the private sector, non-profit agencies and all levels of government to find innovative solutions to today’s housing problems, anticipate future needs and improve the quality of life for all Canadians.

Canada Post

Canada Post is Canada’s postal service.

Régie du logement

The Régie du logement is a specialized tribunal in residential lease matters.

Registre foncier du Québec

The Registre foncier du Québec is a platform in which the state records all the real estate transactions carried out on Quebec territory. With this public registry, any citizen can have access to the history of transactions made on a lot since its creation.

Sutton Québec

Sutton Québec  is a leader in Quebec’s real estate industry.  

Lyne Lapierre Toit & Cie inc.

Lyne Lapierre Toit & Cie inc.



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